Spare Parts for Skike

Spare Parts for Skike


Spare parts and tuning parts for Skike Cross-Skates.

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Product no.: Skike V07-Radlager mit Spacern

Skike Wheel Bearing Set
for Skike V07-120

Old price 23.49 €
19.85 / set(s) *

Still in stock
can be shipped within 5 bis 8 days

Product no.: 6-Zoll Reifen CST 9287

CST - Cheng Shin Tyre

Old price 18.99 €
13.95 *

Still in stock
can be shipped within 5 bis 10 days

Product no.: CSS-Sprunggelenklager-Skike-V07

CSS Tuning ankle bearing set for Skike V07 / VX Solo

36.00 / set(s) *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: Radlager ABEC 11

ABEC 11 wheel bearings

fast bearings for Cross-Skates, Inline-Skates and Rollerskis

4.80 / pair(s) *

In stock

Airtube 6 x 1,25 inch / 150 x 30 mm / angled

Tube also fits narrow 6 inch tires for SRB, Powerslide, Skike or Fleetskates

Old price 11.99 €
8.95 *
Product no.: Radlager rostfrei

Rust-proof wheel bearings - stainless steel

for Cross-Skates, Inline-Skates and Rollerskis

5.45 / pair(s) *

Still in stock

Product no.: Skike-Achsenschluessel
1.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: CSS-6-Zoll-Felge

High pressure rim made from special glas fibre hard plastic

10.00 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: Radlager schnell

ABEC wheel bearings

fast bearings for Cross-Skates, Inline-Skates and Rollerskis

3.85 / pair(s) *

Currently unavailable

Spacer for Wheel Bearings

2.00 *

Calf frame set for Skike V07

One pair für one pair of Skikes

Old price 13.82 €
10.00 / pair(s) *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: Reifendichtmittel
9.90 / bottle(s) *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: Skikerad-V07-Rad orange

Complete wheel for Skike V07 blue

Conplete Skike wheel, ready to use, 2nd hand

14.00 *

Currently unavailable

(Farbe: schwarz)

Calf padding set for Skike V07

7.50 / pair(s) *

Still in stock

Product no.: 6-Zoll Komplettrad für Skike V07 Plus

6-inch wheel for Skike V07 Plus

Old price 39.95 €
28.90 *

Currently unavailable

Product no.: SK-V07-Bremsbacke

1 Set of brass brake shoes for Skike V03 to V07

14.95 / pair(s) *

Currently unavailable

Shoe frame Set for Skike V03 to V07

Old price 8.36 €
7.14 / set(s) *

Belt Set (pair) for Skikes V03 to V07

13.40 / pair(s) *
* Prices include VAT, plus delivery